
【参:カテゴリ】Japan Safe Driving Center

Japan Safe Driving Center


Japan Safe Driving Center


Outline of Operations

In 1975, the National Public Safety Commission permitted the Japan Safe Driving Center (JSDC) to be established, as an organization that would help prevent traffic accidents and enhance convenience for drivers, in line with the Japan Safe Driving Center Act. JSDC would fulfill this mission by training drivers to drive safely, providing information on driving history and traffic accidents, and conducting research on these, among other activities.
 Since then, JSDC has endeavored to expand its operations and improve its services. In 1977, for example, it launched a system for issuing SD cards, and in 1991 established the Central Training School for Safe Driving.
 JSDC’s operations are broadly divided into the five areas shown below. Each of these will be explained in the following pages.